W3 servers

This is a list of registered WWW servers alphabetically by continent country and state.

Africa: South Africa
Central America: Costa Rica
Middle East: Israel
Pacific Rim: Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand
South America: Brazil, Chile
Europe: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
North America:
Canada ( British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Quebec ), Mexico, United States of America ( Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington )


South Africa

Rhodes University
Rhodes-specific information, as well as information relating to networking in Southern Africa. There is also a link to the ZA news hierarchy. This is *not* officially mandated information.

Central America

Costa Rica

Costa Rica's Research Network
It's experimental but representative for CRNet


(see a
sensitive map)
Commercial Internet service provider in Europe. Includes links to national EUnet Web servers and various other information sources
The European X User Group



Free University of Brussels
The Principia Cybernetica Project wants to integrate the whole of human knowledge in a simple, universal and easy-to-use framework.


(see a
sensitive map)
Faculty of Electrical Engeneering Telecommunications Department, University of Zagreb
Provides basic info and links to currently existing net resources in Croatia

Czech Republic

Institute of Physics (Division of Elementary Particle Physics), Academy of Sciences, Prague.


See Danish Information servers accessible via WWW, Gopher or telnet
Aalborg University
AUC campus wide information system.
The Computer Science Department of Aarhus University.
Information about the resources found on DENet, the Danish Network for Research and Education.
Denmark's Technical Library
The DTB information service includes the ALIS library database.
The Danish part of EUnet.


Estonian Research and Education network


CSC Finland
CSC (Center for Scientific Computing) is the finnish supercomputer center located in Espoo, Finland. It is the home of the EMBnet brochure (Biocomputing in Europe)
Helsinki University of Technology
HUT Student Union
The service is a www server of the Student Union of the Helsinki University of Techonology.
FUNET information
Finnish Univerity Research Network.
EUnet Finland Oy
EUnet Finland Information Services
Oulu University
Oulu University WWW entry point. Oulu uses mainly gopher as its CWIS, so WWW suppport is minimal and it is maintained by volunteer work of the Department of Library and Information Science.


(see also a sensitive map)
Centre Interuniversitaire de Calcul de Grenoble
Centre International de Rencontres Mathematiques de Marseille.
Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers. This is a purely experimental server in nov 93.
CPPM Marseille
Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille
Human Genome Centre
Lyon, France.
Institut National de Recherche Agronomique
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique: technology transfers, development of scientific international exchanges, implementation of scientific expertise...
CRIN + INRIA Lorraine
Université de Rennes1
CRI de l'Université de Rennes1
L'Unite Reseaux du CNRS est un serveur thematique sur les reseaux informatiques et la securite informatique.



sensitive map)
Technical University of Budapest, Process Control Department


(see sensitive map)
Broadcom Eireann Research Ltd.
Information on the various projects Broadcom is involved in. Other Information.
Irish Literature archive
Dublin City University
Information on the School of Computer Applications and the Centre for Software Engineering
IONA Technologies Ltd.
info about their Object Request Broker software product and some bits and pieces of Irish news.
Not much information yet. Links to HEANET FTP and Gopher services.
Networking Information regarding Ireland, and Links to the rest of Europe.
Ireland Online
A GNN Mirror site.
Trinity College Dublin
University College Cork
Campus Information. Academic Information.
University College Dublin
Information about University College Dublin. Under construction, this server aims to provide general information about UCD, information about faculties and courses, and information about projects which various departments are undertaking.
University of Limerick
Information on Natural Language Processing and some research projects in the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems.


CNR - ARM Italian National Research Council - Milan Research Area
This is the main WWW server of CNR in Milan. It provide information about the Institute and research Centre of CNR in Milan. Also you can find a map of NIR tools (Gopher and WWW) in Italy
CRS4: Centre for Advanced Studies Research and Development in Sardinia (Cagliari, Italy). It's an interdisciplinary research centre developing advanced simulation techniques and applying them, by means of high performance computers, to the solution of large scale computational problems in various fields
Centro Supercalcolo Piemonte (Piedmont Supercomputing Center), located in Turin.
International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics) Top-Level Server. The information in the server and the server itself is officially mandated by INFN
INFN (Sezione di Trieste)
National Institute for Nuclear Physics, in Trieste - experimental server
NRC Research Area of Florence
National Research Council: Research area documents about activity and NRC institutes of Florence.
Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati - Trieste. This is an experimental http server for the physics e-print archives on babbage.
University of Bologna Library Center
It should reach full operative status in a few months, featuring gateways to the Hytelnet database and to the local cataloging and text retrieval systems. (experimental in nov 93)
Universita' degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II", Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche AND INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), Sezione di Napoli
institutions officially represented by the server
Univ. Pisa
Also see physics department and Department of Computer Science servers.


Center for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam. See also the FTP server .
Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
Eindhoven Technical University. Specific servers for Math and Comp. Sci, Elec. Eng Design Automation, Electrical circuits.
The Dutch High-Energy Physics center. (Replaces nic.nikhef.nl server)
Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut (nuclear physics accelerator institute), Groningen, Netherlands. VMS server.
European IP group.
TU Delft"
Delft University of Technology. (Experimental)


Ananse International Trade Law
International Trade Law. We also provide local information on the Law Faculty of the University of Tromsoe. What we intend to do. (under construction in dec 93).
BIBSYS is a shared library database for Norwegian Universities and other research libraries, and the National Library.
Institute of Information Technology, University of Bergen
Official but experimental server
The Ludvigsen Residence
Even though there is good reason to believe that great efforts will be made at creating lucrative markets for variations on arcade games and similar forms of entertainment, the fear should not be that vast sections of the public will inevitably become vegetables.
University of Tromsoe
The nothernmost university of the world!


Warsaw University Physics Department
under construction in oct 93


INESC (Instituto Nacional de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores)
Grupo de Sistemas de InformaÃÖo

LaboratÑrio Nacional de Engenharia Civil

Universidade de Coimbra

Universidade de Lisboa
Faculdade de CiÉncias

Universidade do Minho.
CWIS - Campus-Wide Information System

The Departamento de InformÀtica (Computer Science Department) provides information about the department, research projects, undergraduate and graduate courses, seminars, and other stuff.

Universidade Nova de Lisboa
The WWW service of the Faculdade de CiÉncias e Tecnologia contains a lot of internal information about FCT-UNL, such as: General informations, bibliographic references, Phone book service, Photos of the campus, etc. (ref. on http://www.fct.unl.pt/Here.html)

The WWW service of Departemento de Informatica - Faculdade de CiÉncias e Tecnologia is maintaned in cooperation with our gopher service. It is an experimental service that maintais some internal information of DI/FCT/UNL, and some other references.


Note .cs to change to .sk sometime.
EUnet Slovakia
EUnet Slovakia Information Services


J. Stefan Institute
IJS is located in Ljubljana. This server contains info about the J. Stefan Institute, about Slovenia, links to other info in SI


Fundacion para el Desarrollo de la Funcion Social de las Comunicaciones. Contains IT related documentation
University of Cantabria (UNICAN) Department of Modern Physics
Information about High Energy Physics, Astrophysics, Theoretical Physics, Nuclear Physics, DELPHI experiment... (experimental in dec 93)
Univ. Jaume I
The Department of Education of the Universitat Jaume I (Castello, Spain). (Experimental in Sep 93)


Chalmers Univ of Technology
Pointers to other servers at Chalmers and to the Round Table project, most information is in swedish.
LinkÆping University's Lysator
Science fiction archives, MUDs, etc etc
Swedish Universities Network information center. Provisional, some pointers to Swedish stuff.
Lulea University
LUDD (Lulea Academic Computer Society) has an automatic FAQ-hierarchy , and an archie interface to the local archie.luth.se service. (Experimental)
The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. See also their Department of Teleinformatics
University of Lund
Lund University Electronic Library
Computer society at Uppsala University with a quest to collect computer history



CERN news
Various groups, some more active than others - see the full list
CERN computing documents
A keyword index.
ASIS Software Repository
A server for public domain and CERN software for distribution to CERN members only. The documentation is public.
CA Detector Design
Computer Aideed Detector Design support
CERN general information
W3 support for withing CERN and info about CERN, and W3 fledglings.
The DELPHI Experiment
DELPHI (DEtector with Lepton, Photon and Hadron Identification) is one of the 4 big LEP experiments
RD13 documentation
Documents for the RD13 group
Hytelnet gateway
Server for Peter Scott's "hytelnet" databse of telnet sites
SCI project
Scalable Coherent Interconnect development. Under construction in June 93.
TechInfo gateway
Several CWISs available through this.
Software Technology
Information from STING organised by Mike Sendall.
The VMS help tree on node vxcrna.cern.ch .
WorldWideWeb support
information about W3 itself, CERN entry point, and web overviews.

University of Geneva

univ. Geneva TECFA
Technologies de Formation et Apprentissage.
Univ. Geneva CUI
Centre Universitaire d'Informatique
Univ. Geneva ExPASy
The ExPASy molecular biology server


EPFL Lausanne LIT
Laboratoire d'Informatique Technique. Their various research projects are concerned with CNS, FIP, object-oriented design...
Official WWW server for EUnet Switzerland
European Molecular Biology Network information
is the entry point to a commonwealth of information on EMBnet, the European Molecular Biology Network, its services and projects, its history and members. See also EMBnet Switzerland.
Univ Zuerich Institut fuer Informatik

United Kingdom

(see also a sensitive map, and a country guide to the UK)
Anglia Polytechnic University.
ULTRALAB an experimental server of ULTRALAB software and information; general interest stuff; experimental areas. ULTRALAB is a learning technology research centre, so the server will be of particular interest to everyone in the learning/teacher training/educational software fields.
Brunel University.
University of Cambridge.
City University.
The City University, London. Contains links to other services and maps of the area and the campus.
  • Computer Science Contains information about the department and the School of Informatics.
CityScape Internet Services Ltd.
Guides to CityScape products, their headquarters and their newletter. Also their pub guide for Cambridge.
Cranfield University.
University Postgraduate prospectus, Research Directory, and local information on computing services.
Durham University.
Department of Mathematical Sciences . Information and links of general interest to Mathematicians / Theoretical Physicists / Statisticians.
University of Exeter.
The Department of Computer Science has research papers, postgraduate study details and personnel information.
University of East Anglia.
Edinburgh University Computing Services.
Experimental in September, providing a hypertext of helpful information for new users of the UNIX operating system.
The HEPDATA High-Energy Physics database of published numerical results organised by Mike Whalley.
University of Hull.
New (Jan 94) server.
Imperial College, University of London.
Leeds University.
UK Office of Library Networking.
Server "experimental" as of April 93.
Loughborgh University.
High Performance Networks and Distributed Systems archive.
Mailbase is the national electronic mailing list service for the UK academic and research community. It runs over 500 lists on a wide range of subjects with over 40,000 subscribers. The Mailbase WWW allows access to the archives and memberships of the public lists on the system.
University of Manchester.
University of Newcastle.
A server for NEXUS, the UK network of student physics societies.
Includes full hypertext archie gateways .
University of Nottingham.
Communications Research Group : Information on the Department of Computer Science and the Communications Research Group. Also includes an archie gateway, and UK independent music scene information base.
The Public IP Exchange.
Rutherford Lab.
The Rutherford Appleton Lab, UK. Admin: www-master@letterbox.rl.ac.uk.
An information source of the UK SuperJANET project. (under construction in Oct 93)
University of Sheffield. Department of Chemistry
Its features include WebElements (periodic table database, interactive isotope pattern calculator, and interactive element percentage calculator) as well as cricket information.
University of Strathclyde.
This is run by the Computer Centre. Lists courses offered by the Centre, centrally managed clusters and contains links to other WWW servers on campus.
University of Sunderland.
Experimental in August 93.
University of Southampton.
Southampton University Astronomy Group.
University of Wales, College of Cardiff.
Department of Computing Mathematics (COMMA)
Warwick University.
  • WINFO WWW : Warwick Information WWW Service with lots of info about the University and things relating to it.
  • NURSE WWW : WWW Service for Nurses.
  • Law Technology WWW : Experimental service linking to other WWW/gopher sites.
UKOLN : the Office for Library and Informatin Networking, University of Bath.
Links to other WWW sites in the UK.
University College, London.
Department of Computer Science including info on MICE (Multimedia Integrated Conferencing for European Researchers) and the MBONE (Multicast backBONE). Also see our guide to the UK.

North America


British Columbia

Univ. British Columbia
Computer Science. Includes manual page browser and the USENET article decoder.
Univ. of Northern British Columbia
University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George, British Columbia, Canada. (under construction).


Center for Subatomic Research , Univ. of Alberta
Department of Physics Edmonton, Alberta CANADA (experimental in oct 93)


Carleton Univ: Biology department
This server is dedicated to Biology/Ecology, to provide access to a peer-reviewed journal in conservation biology . Under construction in oct 93.
Carleton Univ
provided by the Civil Engineering Department. (experimental in oct 93)
Knowledge Systems Laboratory of the National Research Council of Canada
The KSL does applied research in Artificial Intelligence. We delivers technical reports and information on our staff. There are numerous pointers to Internet locations that will be of interest to AI researchers.
Queen's University at Kingston
Queen's University campus information service (InfoQ).


Universite Laval, Genie Electrique
Centre d'Optique, Photonique et Laser - Grands Reseaux d'energie - Electrotechnique, Electronique de Puissance et Commande Industrielle - Radiocommunication et Traitement du Signal - Vision et Systemes Numeriques
McGill University Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Information about the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences as well as links to the departmental Gopher and Ftp Sites. (officially mandated by the Dep.)
Universite de Montreal, Departement d'Informatique et Recherche Operationnelle
Our server provides documents made by the workforce of the department, some specialized labs (like the Multimedia lab), and our users, with links to other interresting WWW servers. This site is officially mandated by the department's direction, and is in perpetual expension.
Universite de Montreal, Departement de physique
Included is a list of faculty, a description of the graduate program, and other pertinent infomations. This site is officially mandated by the department's direction, and is in perpetual expension.


University of the Americas
A still young WWW server in central Mexico. A campus wide information system including some electronic magazines.

United States of America


CCIT Arizona
University of Arizona information
National Optical Astronomy Observatories (experimental in sep 93)


Berkeley Software Design Incorporated.
Berkeley Museum of Paleontology
We have a fairly large and still growing exhibit entitles "History of Life" and a smaller exhibit of the Paleontologoical Institute of Russia
See the WWW home page for the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California
Caltech Concurrent Supercomputing Facilities
Provides the 1992 CCSF annual report Manuals for the Intel Paragon parallel supercomputer, as well as Xmorphia: an interactive exhibition of pattern formation by a partial differential equation.
Caltech high energy theoretical physics group
under construction in oct 93
Caltech undergraduate computer science laboratory
Caltech information and links to other resources at Caltech. This server is _not_ officially mandated by or representative of Caltech.
Center for EUV Astrophysics
Extreme UltraViolet Explorer satellite data and status information
Digital Equipment Corporation
Product information -- technical overviews, performance summaries, software product descriptions (SPDs), whitepapers, the Networks Buyers Guide, the Systems and Options Catalog (SOC) and back issues of the Digital Technical Journal. Digital Corporate Research also provides research reports , and extensive archives of public domain software and documentation from both the Internet community and Digital Equipment Corporation.
Enterprise Integration Technologies
A R&D and consulting company specializing in information technology for electronic commerce, collaborative engineering and agile manufacturing.
Energy Sciences Network, U.S. Dept of Energy
The Exploratorium
Museum of science, art, and human perception located in the Marina district of San Francisco. We have over 650 interactive, hands-on, exhibits.
The Global Network Navigator
GNN is dedicated to helping you explore the information resources of the global network. In GNN, you'll find news, reviews, feature articles, advice, commentary and interactive navigational guides.
Global Village Communication
Located in Mountain View, California, USA. We develop communications products for Macintosh.
Internet Distribution Services
IDS provides electronic publishing and distribution of catalogs and product information. We operates WWW, WAIS, Gopher, Anonymous FTP and Listserv's to distribute information on the Internet.
The InterNIC
General Information about the Internet
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
LBL has information on 1) LBL research for the lay public; 2) Information on the Conference on CHEP 1994; 3) The Comprehensive Epidemiologic Data Project; 4) LBL's Particle Data group; 5) the ACM SIGMOD Online Services; 6) and coming soon, data and research from LBL's Human Genome Project.
Mother Jones
Mother Jones is a U.S. magazine publishing exposes and progressive political commentary, and we've got a new server with all of 1993, full text and covers (more images soon).
Naval Surface Warfare Center
PHD NSWD, (previously, NSWSES in 1993) at Port Hueneme, California.
Nine Lives Quality Consignment Clothing
an Electronic Storefront in the San Francisco bay area of California. The server is designed as an inventory browser using Mosaic Forms, and is available only during the middle of the day Pacific Time.
O'Reilly Associates
Publisher of online and offline material.
Planet Earth
Nice-looking virtual library
San Francisco State University
So far, the server is for demonstration purposes.
The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
Provides UNIX operating systems and related solutions to the PC industry. The home page provides access to the company overview, products, services, 3rd party applications, and more.
Stanford Linear Accelerator, California. HEP preprints database and LOTS more... also a unix server .
Stanford University
Official. The University includes the Schools of Education, Engineering, Humanities and Sciences, Law, and Medicine, as well as the Graduate School of Business and numerous Centers and Institutes.
The Stanford Center for Design Research
The CDR explores the application of new computer technologies in support of collaborative design. A wide array of research projects is described. Experimental in Jan 94
Stanford Don Geddis' Personal server
Text: Humor; Hypertext: Aiki Jujitsu; Code: DTP theorem prover
The University of California at Los Angeles' official information service
UCLA TEP group
Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics Group at the University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
UCLA Underground
A competitive information service run by the Computer Aided Design Lab . (They also run a biorhythm server )
Xerox PARC
Palo Alto Research Center.
Xerox PARC Web2 Server
Home of the Digital Tradition (a data base containing the words and music to thousands of folk songs).


The Astrophysics Data System
ADS is a NASA-sponsored program which offers a novel approach to dealing with huge quantities of geographically distributed and heterogeneous data from a broad range of astrophysics missions.
Ellery Systems, Inc.
Contains information both about our company and our distributed computing projects.
The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), is an NSF-funded supercomputing center and a member of the National Conortia for High Performance Computing.
University of Colorado at Boulder
You can (soon) find out a lot of what's going on at the University of Colorado at Boulder and the surrounding community.
XOR Network Engineering
a company that provices a full range of network engineering and system support services.


Spirit of UConn
Library resources with various CDROM archives and GIS/Census database. Home of ArchNet, an archaeological resource focusing on Northeastern United States archaeology
Trinity College
There are many things on this server, most notable of which is the Trincoll Journal - a multimeda magazine.
United Technologies Research Center
The UTRC WWW server provides published papers, job postings, and information about United Technologies Research Center.
University of Connecticut Health Center
Center for Neuroscience, Farmington, Connecticut, USA.
Yale University
Primarily the departments of Computer Science, Math, Psychology, the "Zoo" (an undergraduate computing lab), Parallel Supercomputing, and Applied and Theoretical Neurosciences. Here is the local Home Page.


University of Delaware EE/CIS joint computer network
Welcome to the University of Delaware EE/CIS joint computer lab WWW server.

District of Columbia

US Naval Research Lab
Connection Machine Facility US Naval Research Lab


Florida State University
Primary Home Page for the Florida State University, a.k.a. the Seminole Information System contains university-wide information such as campus maps, calendars, Schedules of Classes and departmental home pages.
Harris Corporate Headquarters
An experimental server that contains pointers to other Harris resources, some local current events resources, and some recreational pages.
This server provides an extensive and easy to use network navigator, originating from Nova-Southeastern University in Ft. Lauderdale.
University of Florida
A gateway to UF WWW sites.


Computone Corporation
Manufacturer of data communications hardware and software. Current product data sheets, software release notes, and update drivers are on-line.
Georgia State University
under construction in Jan 94
Georgia Institute of Technology Graphics, Visualization, & Usability Center
With in our database are text, movies, and images on Animation, Image Understanding, Medical Informatics, Scientific Visualization, Software Visualization, Virtual Environments. Plus Access to GVU Technical Reports, The GVU Users's Guide, The WWW User Survey, and more!
University of Georgia Botany Department
Work is currently being done on problems extending from molecular genetic regulatory mechanisms to the ecology of acid rain.


Honolulu Community College


FNAL Astro
Astrophysics support at FNAL. (Includes TCL help files BTW) Streets@fnal.fnal.gov
Documentation from online and offline groups. Also at FNAL, experimental servers in FnalA Theory , D0 , ACCESS user consultancy .
HEP Network Resource Center
Based at Fermilab. Runs the High Energy Physics Information Center (HEPIC).
National Center for Supercomputing Applictions, Urbana Champain, IL, USA.
The Northwestern Univ. Dep. of Mathematics
This server contains information about the department and items of interest to its faculty and students.
Northwestern University, Network Response Center.
The US Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories. They use GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System).
Argonne National Lab
The Argonne National Laboratory, Advanced Photon Source, Controls and Computing Group Information Server. They use EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System)


Indiana University School of Law - Bloomington
Includes the Federal Communications Law Journal and the Global Legal Studies Journal.
Notre Dame High Energy Physics Group
It provides some information on out high energy physics program and our university as well as links to most of the other HEP databases.
univ. Indiana
Computer Science dept. Experimental in Mar 93.
IU Law School
Indiana University School of Law. In an experimental stage.


univ. Kansas
Campus-wide system in hypertext.
The University of Kansas Telecommunications and Information Sciences Laboratory (works on high speed networks, digital signal processing, simulation of communications systems and networks).
Kansas State University
Dept. of Computing and Information Sciences


Louisiana State University Office of Computing Services. (under construction in oct 93)
Louisiana tech
CWIS and pointers
Northwestern State University
Primarily carries information relating to the university and it operations. Early plans also include placing the University's Nasa Affiliated Space Science group on this server.


The Jackson Laboratory
Mammalian Genetics - Research, Resources, and Training. This server has information of interest to the biological community.


The Agricultural Genome
at the National Agricultural Library which is part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. see our README file.
The National Library of Medicine is the world's largest library dealing with a single scientific/professional topic. It cares for over 4.5 million holdings (including books, journal, reports, manuscripts and audio-visual items)
Rob's Multimedia Laboratory at National Institutes of Health (experimental).
The STELAR project, part of NASA's Astrophysics Data Facility. Astronomical information and bibliographic databases at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.
Space Telescope Science Institute
Space Telescope Electronic Information System
the University of Maryland at College Park Department of Computer Science
has set up two servers, one run by a faculty member (and not using http), the other run by graduate students . Both are under construction in nov 93.
The University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
UMIACS provides links to faculty and staff home pages, the Department of Computer Science Technical Reports, other Research Projects and Papers, and other services on campus. (Under construction in Feb 94)


the ADS Abstract Service
It provides access to currently about 160,000 Astronomy and Astrophysics abstracts with a sophisticated searching system.
Harvard University Physics Department
It has mostly items of local interest, but there are pointers to a few documents which may be useful to a wider community.
Marine Biological Laboratory
The server provides access to the lab's course listings, laboratory documentation, and access to other Woods Hole-based information sources.
The MathWorks, Inc.
You'll find a product tour for MATLAB, SIMULINK, and all the Application Toolboxes, information on the network services provided by The MathWorks, and much more. Officially mandated server.
MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
An index to pages and demos provided by research groups at the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science.
Student Information processing Board, gatewaying AFS, the Discuss bulletin board system, the Geographic Nameserver, US National Weather information, Amateur Radio Callsign database.
The MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, including a searchable index of the AI Lab publications bibliography.
MIT Laboratory for Nuclear Science
The Tech
"MIT's oldest and largest newspaper."
"Usenet University -- New Network Academy" . A virtual university project. Host may change.
National Consortium for High Performance Computing. The server is operating experimentally.
Boston University
includes information on scientific computing and the computational science groups at B.U.
University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Astronomy
Astronomical research project information, Graduate Program Brochure, and departmental directories.


Classics and Mediterranean Archaeology
Department of Classical Studies, University of Michigan
Michigan State University
Experimental. See MSU Unix Computing Group's home page
Oakland University
Oakland University Information, and access to Oak Archive (primary SimTel mirror) (unaccessible in Oct 93)
The University of Michigan School of Information and Library Studies
Listings of current SILS and ILS-related information services...


Army High Performance Computing Research Center, university led research and educational consortium.
The Geometry Center at the University of Minnesota
is pleased to announce that it is now running a Web server. The server contains, among other things, the illustration from the October 1993, Scientific American cover .
St. Olaf College


Mississippi State University information


Data Research
Variety of reference and research information. Several experimental databases are available including the Library of Congress bibliographic and authority databases. Other databases are available only by subscription.
The Maize Genome Database project
Operated by the USDA MAize Genome Database Project located at the University of Missouri -- Columbia, and provides access to Maize-related information. Experimental in nov 93.


University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Information about the University and the various departments, and a listing for local events.

New Jersey

AT&T Bell Laboratories
Bibliography on computer networking
Rutgers University INFO
The Rutgers Campus-Wide Information System. Information about departments, services, and events from throughout the University.
Astrophysics: Sloan Digital Sky Survey

New Mexico

Los Alamos
Physics Information Service
Los Alamos National Laboratory. See also the CNLS (Centre for Nonlinear Studies)

New York

AskERIC is geared towards providing information on the process of education to the k-12 community and those interested in education. (under construction in dec 93)
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Multi-disciplinary laboratory that carries out basic and applied research in the physical, biomedical and environmental sciences and in selected energy technologies.
Cornell Information Technologies (C.I.T.) Computer HelpDesk
It contains information on computing at cornell and the use of computers and the network in general as well as access to several of Cornell's computer services.
Cornell Law School
Ithaca, New York, USA. Contains legal information (US Intellectual Property Statutes etc etc.)
Cornell Theory Center
includes links to extensive online information system about supercomputing architectures there.
Cornell Wilson Lab
Serving information about the high-energy physics program at Wilson Lab, CLEO collaboration preprints, and related information.
Commercial service which delivers advertising and marketing information to the Internetsuch as a Global Real Estate Guide. We also provide public services guides such as a Missing Kids Guide.
State University of New York
Stony Brook. See their Physics Department
The SUNY/Buffalo Geography Department
You Are Here server (which takes your hostname (or any other) and tries to display it on the map), and information and research exhibits from the NSF-funded National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis. (under construction in nov 93)
U of Rochester Lancelot's W3 server
We provide gateways to GlobalMUSH (a text based interactive virtual environment) with a global-community theme, references to the Bible, Monty Python scripts, some photographic materials data, work on a text-based VR environment with images and online data, and other things.

North Carolina

The Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval at North Carolina's MCNC.
North Carolina State University
This server contains links to NCSU administrative and academic information. It includes an archive of Sybase information and tools as well as an Amateur Radio system.
UNC Chapel Hill
Includes US Politics, Sun Freeware, Multimedia. You should have a look at the EXPO , including 4 multimedia exhibits: Vatican , Soviet Archive , 1492 , Dead Sea Scrolls .
UNC Institute for Transportation Research and Education
The subjects covered by this server include transportation, highways, education, geographic information systems, ARC/INFO, satellite television, Raleigh, and North Carolina.
Wake Forest University
Contains Deacons On-Line - the campus-wide information system - , research documents available to the public; on-line user's guide - , the guide to the university's academic computing system, a Unix system.


Case Western Reserve University
All Web and Gopher servers at CWRU are accessible through this experimental "Campus Root" server. It also includes lots of campus information and pointers to external resources.
Morning Star Technologies
Morning Star Technologies makes products for low-cost IP connectivity: SLIP, PPP, Frame Relay, X.25. This WWW and FTP server represents, and is officially supported by, the company.
Ohio State University
Lots of indexed hypertext: unix man pages (indexed), RFCs, gateways into various things.
University of Toledo Department of Biology
Provides links and documents of immediate interest to the faculty and students of the department.


Oklahoma State University Computer Science Department
Oklahoma State University Mathematics Department


University of Oregon
This is the official home page for the University of Oregon


PSU Linux Info
Information about Linux, a free Unix for intel 386 computers
univ. Pennsylvania
Experimental as yet
Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science
The English Server
We offer many texts not available elsewhere on the Internet, primarily of interest to humanities scholars
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
PSC's mission is to provide advanced scientific computing
Temple University SYNERGY Project
Up-to-date information on the upcoming SYNERGY product, a parallel distributed computing system. Estimated time of entering public domain: summer, 1994. This server does not represent Temple University. Status: experimental

Rhode Island

Brown Univ. HEP
The Brown High Energy Physics Group
Brown Univ. Physics
The Brown University Department of Physics (under construction in oct 93)


The Oak Ridge National Laboratory Environmental Sciences Division
This server has been established to provide the public with information about ORNL and ESD research and develop activities. Any comments or suggestions are welcome and appreciated.


W.M. Keck Center for Genome Informatics, Institute of Biosciences and Technology, Texas A&M University, Houston
Quadralay Corporation
Provides Company and Product Information , C++ Forum , Austin information . Mandated and represented by Quadralay Corporation
Superconducting Supercollider Laboratory
Univ. of Texas-Houston
Health Science Center Campus Wide Information


Brigham Young University CS Department
General information about the CS department including faculty, course listings, facilities listing, an online floorplan of the CS building, announcements, and links to the research laboratory.
Brigham Young University Laboratory for Applied Logic
Provides access to our LAL tech library, and online documentation to the HOL proof assistant, support for courses (soon), with exercises, errata to the textbook, and FAQs online.
The Dixie College Center of Excellence
St. George, Utah, USA


Univ. Vermont EMBA
University of Vermont Engineering, Maths and Business Administration.
Unix. Vermont Library
Journals available through the Scholarly Communications Project.


Primarily in aeronautics, but there is some space, computing, and life sciences
Old Dominion University
information about our university and the services that it provides, especially pertaining to the Computer Science Department. This server is officially mandated by our University.
Project GeoSim
Project GeoSim develops and distributes Geography Education software.
US Geological Survey: a scientific fact-finding and research organization, and the principal source of scientific and technical expertise in the earth sciences within the Federal Government.
Virginia Tech
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Experimental
VTLS, Inc.
VTLS Inc. is a private, for-profit corporation with headquarters in Blacksburg, Virginia. Our mission is to develop, market, and support innovative library automation and information system products.


The American Astronomical Society
The AAS server contains information on the Society, meeting schedules, abstracts, a staff directory and an HTML version of the AAS Job Register.
Univ. of Washington: Physics HyperTexts:
Charm Studies, Underwater Astrophysics, and more.
Univ. of Washington High Energy Physics Lab
Home page for the High Energy Physics Lab.
Univ. of Washington Nuclear Physics Laboratory
Among other things, this gives access to a hypertext version of the 1993 Annual Report of the UW Nuclear Physics Laboratory.

Middle East


Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Information service - both in hebrew and English, asssumes a VT terminal with hebrew characters. See also their TeX database (July 1992).

Pacific Rim


Australian National Botanic Gardens
Biodiversity, australian plants. ( Catalogue )
ANU Bioinformatics
Research School of Biological Sciences & Centre for Information Science Research at the Australian National University. BioInformatics department.
the Australian Environmental Resources Information Network
Monash VIFP
Victorian Institute of Forensic Pathology
Mt Stromlow Observatory
Mount Stromlow and Siding Spring Observatory
The National Library of Australia
University of Sydney
Basser Department of Computer Science (information about the department and its current research); The Written Web (Communication rather than purely information technology)


See Japan's geography, or list of servers in Japanese
Chiba Univ.
Ikeda Lab., Chiba University, Chiba, Japan. Serving Information on International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), International Commission on Illumination (CIE), Graphical Symbols standardized in IEC Publication 417; and color paintings with background music, etc.
Hokkaido Univ.
Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. Serving Information about Hokkaido(in Japanese) and Information about Sapporo city(in English)
Internet Initiative Japan Inc., Tokyo, Japan.
Keio Univ.
The Faculty of Science and Technology (Yagami Campus) and Shonan Fujisawa Campus have their own home page. These home pages have pointers to other WWW servers located in each campus.
KEK, Tsukuba, Japan. Experimental only.
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Nara, Japan. It's named "SHiKA" . It has Campus-information, Kansai-area Informaion and so on.
National Cancer Center, Tokyo, Japan. Serving CancerNet Documents, many Informations, including Himawari,etc.
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, Tokyo, Japan. Serving Japanese Information corner of the web, NTT What's New for New information of the web, etc.
Univ. of Tokyo
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.WWW server for the Yonezawa Lab. at the Department of Information Science, University of Tokyo.
Ube College
Dept. of Computer Science, Ube College.
Univ. of Tsukuba, Institute of Mathematics
Institute of Mathematics, University of Tsukuba
Univ. of Tsukuba, Science Information Processing Center
This server provides general information of the university and entry points links to various servers installed on the campus.
SunSITE Japan
The SunSITE Japan Project is managed by the Information Processing Center, Science University of Tokyo in collaboration with Nihon Sun Microsystems.
Osaka Univ.
Osaka University, Osaka, Japan.
Department of Applied Molecular Science (SOUKAN), IMS.
Department of Applied Molecular Science (SOUKAN), Institute for Molecular Science (IMS), Okazaki National Research Institutes. Myodaiji, Okazaki 444, Japan.
Computer Center Institute for Molecular Science (CCIMS)
Computer Center Institute for Molecular Science (CCIMS), Okazaki National Research Institutes. Myodaiji, Okazaki 444, Japan.
Meiji Univ.
Meiji University. Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Osaka Medical College
Osaka Medical College Medical Computation Center, Osaka, Japan.

New Zealand

University of Waikato
Victoria Univ. of Wellington
Campus-wide system. etc. Please do not abuse the service.
VUW Phone book
Students and Staff.


National University of Singapore (NUS)
BioWWW server. information available from the National University of Singapore, Singapore Technology Network TECHNET, and the Biocomputing Interest Group BIG.
Singapore Technology Network. Singapore's Island Wide Research and Development Network is set up by National Science and Technology Board of Singapore (NSTB) and managed by National University of Singapore (NUS).
Singapore National Computer Board (NCB)
(unaccessible in oct 93)


Tung Nan Junior College of Technology...Home page.
From "Bao Dao" --- Treasure island.This is the TNJC campus-wide hypermedia information service. Serving information and most links on Taiwan Academic NETwork(TANet). To read/write Chinese characters, there is Chinese-BIG5 FAQ.

National Chung Cheng University
Experimental in Feb. 94

Chiao-Tung University , Hsingchu
In Chinese Big-5 .Experimental in Feb. 94

Sun Yat-Sen Universiy, Kaosiung
Experimental in Feb. 94


The National Electronics and Computer Technology Center. General information about Thailand

South America


RNP - Rede Nacional de Pesquisa
Central WWW server of RNP. Provides information about Internet in Brazil and has links to most WWW, Gopher and FTP servers in the country.

RNP - CR/DF - Centro Regional de Brasilia
Regional WWW server of RNP in Brasilia (capital). Information about Bioinformatics, Sustainable Development and Mercosul.

UFSC - Department of Informatics, Federal University of Santa Catarina
Provides an index to all Brazilian Network Services, a World Index by Continent (graphic). Also includes information about the Department of Informatics.

UFRJ - COPPE - Coordenacao de Programas de Pos-Graduacao em Engenharia
Information in english about UFRJ's engineering graduate school and research center.


sensitive map)
DCC, Departament of Computer Science, University of Chile
Official information of the DCC (Dpt of Comp Sc) and unofficial info of the country. Also has connection to multiple servers in Chile.

Restricted or difficult access

The sunsite repository being set up bu UNC Chapel Hill. (Experimental).
Xerox PARC
Private: Access from Xerox.com only. System33 document server.
CIS Informationsdienst
The information service from the Centrum fuer Informations und Sprachverarbeitung von Muenchen (don't panic: they also have it in English !) Experimental, very slow line :-(. Times out.
OMT group
Private web.
not public - Jon Streets
VOICE magazine
The first global online hypertext magazine? Ed. Tom Boutell Gone? Was http://isis.cshl.org.:80/main.html
Tim BL