
La personalidad de los blogueros/as

¿Tienen los autores y autoras de blogs rasgos de personalidad diferentes al resto de los mortales? Unos investigadores de la Universidad de Alabama afirman que sí. En un artículo recientemente publicado (ver más abajo la referencia) se concluye que:

«…people who are high in openness to new experience and high in neuroticism are likely to be bloggers. Additionally, the neuroticism relationship was moderated by gender indicating that women who are high in neuroticism are more likely to be bloggers as compared to those low in neuroticism whereas there was no difference for men. These results indicate that personality factors impact the likelihood of being a blogger and have implications for understanding who blogs.»

Interesante 😉

Fuente: Guadagno, R.E., Okdie, B.M., & Eno, C.A. (2008). Who blogs? Personality predictors of blogging. Computers in Human Behavior 24, 1993–2004. DOI: